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Nathalie heeft tijdens een Podcast van Sharon Blijd eigenaar van Ibalansz, een persoonlijk stukje gedeeld uit haar verleden met betrekking tot seksueel misbruik. Hier bespreekt zij kort haar weg van heling, struikelblokken en wat haar nu als therapeut drijft.

Recently, teacher Hans Alblas and former student Nathalie Drielinger were guests on the radio program Brandstof by Groot Nieuws Radio. Nathalie told in a compelling way how God managed to turn the pain and damage in her life for the better through the Pastoral Care training. Today, thanks to this training, she can provide pastoral counseling to others and specializes in the field of trauma processing.

Are you curious about the full interview? 

Then click on the link:

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A lecture in church.

Theme: Trauma processing and pastoral care.  

Topics covered: What is trauma? How do you, as a pastoral team, deal with people who have experienced traumatic events? What stumbling blocks can you encounter within pastoral care? How can you connect with others?

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